Sunday, May 30, 2010

Types of Plants

Melissa - what are you doing for your topic? I know we are covering weather and types of gardens but can I do types of plants? If not I'll do the construction of a garden. Let me know! And thanks for posting your sites. Can everyone keep posting them so we make sure we don't use the same ones?

Thanks, Kristen

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure what you are asking, Kristen. I described my lesson plan topic in a previous post and my digital story ideas in comments on one of Chad's posts (also on Kaila's now). Both of the topics you suggested sound great. Will you be doing a lesson or digital story on those? I think the construction one lends itself to the digital story as a "how-to" demonstration. There is lots of information to be found regarding that so you can make it as elaborate or simple as time allows. I look forward to seeing it. :o)
